Breast Augmentation with PDO Threads

Sep 05, 2023

Among the latest in aesthetic technology, thread lifts stand out as a new intriguing approach to breast enhancement without the help of traditional surgical methods. Picture a procedure that enhances your breast appearance without the need for implants or invasive surgery. That's precisely what a breast augmentation with PDO threads aims to achieve.

PDO threads, typically used in minimally invasive cosmetic treatments, are at the heart of this procedure. The PDO or polydioxanone material used in these medical sutures has shown remarkable potential in lifting sagging skin, refining contours, and boosting collagen production. Let's delve into what this procedure entails and how it is making waves in the world of non-surgical aesthetic transformations.

What is a Non-Surgical Breast Enhancement?

Preparing for a PDO thread breast augmentation

This new innovative approach involves strategically inserting threads into the breast tissue. This creates a lifting effect to enhance the shape and firmness of the breasts. It's important to note, however, that the results of this non-surgical approach will more than likely be more subtle and temporary compared to surgical treatments like breast lifts.

A breast augmentation with threads is a procedure often chosen by individuals who are experiencing mild laxity in the breast and seeking moderate improvements without having to undergo extensive surgery. If you've been curious about enhancing your breast aesthetics but are wary of surgical procedures, discussing this option with a qualified medical professional is an essential first step. Breast thread lifts may not be the best treatment for everyone, but it has several advantages for the right candidate. 

How are Breast Thread Lifts Done?

Breast thread lifts offer a non-surgical option for individuals who desire modest enhancements without undergoing surgery. Different thread designs and techniques can help improve the laxity and texture of the breasts.

Here are the 3 main components of a breast thread lift:

Tissue Repositioning
: Threads are inserted into the breast tissue through entry points made with a small needle. There are barbs on the threads that anchor onto the underlying soft tissue and the thread is then pulled to lift and tighten the tissue.

Vector Design:
The vector is the pattern that the threads are used in. This can vary greatly between individuals, depending on the degree of laxity, amount of tissue, shape of the breast, etc. 

Collagen Stimulation:
As they dissolve over time, the threads stimulate the body to produce its own collagen. This process helps build volume and tighten the skin to further support the lifting effects.

Because thread lifts are absorbable and generally last for up to one year, treatments can be performed regularly for prevention or maintenance. The body is constantly changing as you age, and having threads that last temporarily allows for the treatment to be adjusted and customized according to your current body.

Before and after of PDO thread breast lift

Which Threads Are Used for Breast Thread Lift?

PDO threads are designed to lift and support breast tissue, providing a non-surgical alternative for individuals seeking modest improvements. Two types of threads are used to restore breast volume and reduce sagging: barb threads and smooth threads. Both of these threads work in different ways to address the breast area.

Smooth threads are typically used for improving skin texture and stimulating collagen production. They can be applied in areas with mild sagging to provide a subtle lifting effect and improve skin quality. Smooth threads help enhance the overall appearance of the breasts by promoting collagen synthesis over time.

Barbed threads have tiny hooks or barbs along their length, allowing them to anchor and lift sagging tissues more effectively. These threads are often used in areas where more noticeable lifting and reshaping are desired. Barbed threads provide a more immediate lifting effect and can address moderate sagging.

Together, they can be used to achieve breast rejuvenation, catering to varying degrees of enhancement needs while emphasizing collagen stimulation and natural improvement over time.

Can Breast Thread Lifts Correct Asymmetry and Nipple Position?

While PDO thread can be used to address breast asymmetry and nipple position irregularities, it's important to understand that their effectiveness in correcting these issues depends on individual factors and the extent of the concerns. For individuals with mild to moderate asymmetry or nipple position problems this procedure can offer improvements.

Threads can help with breast asymmetry by placing them as needed to create a more balanced appearance. For instance, if one breast is slightly larger or lower than the other, threads can be inserted to lift and shape the smaller or sagging breast. While they may not achieve perfect symmetry, they can contribute to a more balanced breast appearance. It's important to note that significant asymmetry may still require surgical interventions to achieve the desired level of correction.

Nipple position irregularities can also be improved to some extent using a breast thread lift. If the nipples are slightly lower than desired, threads can be strategically inserted to provide lift and elevate the nipple to a more aesthetically pleasing position. However, it's important to understand that if the nipple position issue is more pronounced, achieving the desired correction might necessitate surgical procedures such as a breast thread lift.

PDO threads are one of many non-surgical breast enhancing treatments available on the market today. This procedure provides subtle lift and contour improvements without being invasive. Breast augmentations with PDO threads have a faster recovery time compared to surgical methods and most individuals can resume normal activities within a short period after the procedure. A thread breast lift provides a natural-looking enhancement while stimulating collagen production and improves skin texture and firmness. 

The results of breast augmentation with PDO threads are more subtle compared to surgical procedures. This procedure can be combined with other non-surgical treatments, such as dermal fillers or laser therapy, for a synergistic effect to further enhance the results. 

Individual outcomes can vary based on factors such as age, skin quality, and the amount of correction needed. It's important to approach any cosmetic procedure like a non-surgical breast enhancement, with realistic expectations, but PDO threads present an intriguing option for those seeking modest enhancements.

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