Can a PDO Thread Lift Help Your Double Chin?

Sep 29, 2023

Enhance Your Chin with PDO Threads

Woman with double chin preparing for pdo thread lift

Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed those lines and wrinkles on your chin that seem to have appeared out of nowhere? It happens to the best of us as we get older, and it can be a bit frustrating.

Fortunately, there are ways to improve its appearance, like with a thread face lift. There are a variety of chin concerns that can be addressed with this procedure. This includes issues like a double chin, chin wrinkles, undefined jawline, or simply just a desire to change up your look. Depending on your specific chin-related concerns, there are different ways that PDO threads can help you achieve the look you desire.

PDO Threads for Double Chins

A double chin typically results from the accumulation of excess submental fat beneath the chin and on the upper neck area. Although various exercises are often recommended to target the muscles of the neck and potentially reduce wrinkles and saggy skin in this region, they may not be as effective in reducing double chins. As such, an alternative and highly effective option is available in the form of non-invasive cosmetic treatments known as a thread face lift. 

But how exactly do PDO threads work to correct a double chin? Thread lifts offer remarkable versatility in tightening the skin and can effectively address signs of aging in the neck area, including wrinkles, jowls, and double chins. When combined with other non-invasive procedures, it becomes an excellent choice for achieving a sharper and more sculpted appearance for your face.

How Do They Work?

When PDO threads are placed in the chin area, they can help in a few ways. First, they provide immediate support to lift and tighten the skin. Think of them like invisible strings or a hammock that support the tissue to create a tighter neckline. This can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and make your chin and neck look smoother and firmer.

Thread lift for chin

But that's not all – these threads also stimulate collagen production. When these threads are inserted, they create changes underneath the skin, triggering your body to produce more collagen in the treated area. Collagen helps maintain the strength and suppleness of your skin, so as it increases, you may notice improvements in skin quality over time.

The great thing is that they're minimally invasive, which means there are no big incisions or scars. It's a bit like getting stitches inside of your skin, but the threads dissolve over time, leaving behind the benefits of improved skin elasticity.

What Types of PDO Threads are Used for the Chin?

Smooth threads and lifting threads are both used in chin enhancement procedures for different purposes, often in combination to achieve optimal results:

Smooth Threads:
Smooth threads are used for their collagen-stimulating properties and skin rejuvenation benefits. These threads are inserted just beneath the skin's surface and create a supportive network that encourages collagen production. In chin enhancement, smooth threads can stimulate collagen growth that can contract or tighten the tissue, improve skin texture, reduce fine lines, and promote a more youthful appearance. They work well for addressing skin quality issues and providing a subtle lift.

Lifting Threads:
Lifting threads have a different design and purpose than smooth threads. They are designed with barbs along a portion of the thread. These specialized features allow lifting threads to grip onto the tissues under the skin and reposition them into a more desired and lifted position. In chin enhancement, lifting threads are particularly useful for correcting sagging or drooping in the chin area, providing a noticeable lift and contour improvement.

In many chin enhancement procedures, a combination of both smooth and lifting threads may be used. The smooth threads help improve skin quality and stimulate collagen, which contributes to a more youthful appearance, while the lifting threads address structural issues by lifting and tightening the tissue for a defined and lifted chin profile and neckline. This combination approach often results in a comprehensive and natural-looking enhancement of the chin and jawline. The choice of threads and their specific placement will depend on the patient's individual goals and the practitioner's assessment.

What Happens During Double Chin Thread Lift

Before the PDO threads for double chins are inserted, a medical provider will administer local anesthesia to the treatment areas. Following the numbing, the provider will map out the vector designs of which specific threads will be used and which direction they will go in. As the procedure happens you may feel pressure when the threads are inserted with little to no pain. Ultimately, pain tolerance will vary between individuals.

This procedure typically spans a mere hour, making it a quick and hassle-free cosmetic treatment option. In contrast to traditional facelift surgery, it is generally a painless and low-risk method for achieving skin tightening.

Following the fading of local anesthesia's effects, patients may encounter typical post-procedure discomforts, such as mild pain and swelling in the treated area. While some mild swelling and bruising can occur, most patients can resume their regular activities, including work, immediately after the procedure. Less frequently observed side effects after the treatment encompass:

  • Dimpling
  • Minor bruising
  • Inflammation
  • Infection

The majority of these side effects are transient and subside within 1 to 2 weeks. If any discomfort or symptoms persist beyond this timeframe and become bothersome, it is advisable to promptly consult your healthcare practitioner for potential corrective measures.

Thread Lift Before and After Transformation

PDO thread lift before and after

The above thread lift before and after is of a patient treated with a combination of barbed lifting threads and smooth threads from MINT™, the only PDO threads in the US market with three FDA clearances. Three of the most popular MINT™ barbed lifting threads are FINE+, PETIT+, 17+. These are bi-directional threads that come pre-cannulated and are different lengths depending on the areas of the face that are being targeted. In addition, MONOs (the MINT™ version of smooth threads) were used in 2 different sizes and inserted underneath her chin to add volume. 

If you are a provider interested in purchasing threads you can buy PDO threads online contact us to be connected with a sales representative. On the other hand, if you are a patient wanting a thread lift before and after transformation, you can contact us to find a provider near you. 

Buy PDO threads here.

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