What to Expect About Facelift Threads: Cost and Recovery

Feb 09, 2023

Thread lifting with PDO (polydioxanone) is quickly becoming one of the most popular non-invasive cosmetic treatments available today. It is an excellent choice for those who want to treat wrinkles, sagging skin, and other aging symptoms.

This ground-breaking procedure uses polydioxanone (PDO) threads to tighten and rejuvenate the skin for a more youthful appearance. Threads are inserted into the skin with a cannula, stimulating collagen production and repositioning sagging skin for a more contoured appearance.

PDO thread lifting has a number of advantages, including minimal downtime and natural-looking results. If you're thinking about getting this treatment, knowing the cost and recovery time involved can help you make an informed decision.

What Are Facelift Threads?

Face lift threads are a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure used to rejuvenate the skin by lifting and tightening loose skin. Facelift threads use absorbable sutures made of either polydioxanone (PDO) or poly-L-Lactic acid (PLLA) to lift and tighten sagging skin.

The thread lift procedure is typically performed in an office setting with local anesthesia. It only takes about an hour, and you can return home shortly after the procedure.

How Much Do Facelift Threads Cost?

The cost of this minimally invasive procedure can vary greatly depending on several factors.

The Type of Threads Used

Different types of threads come with different costs. While most thread lifts use absorbable PDO (polydioxanone) sutures, some plastic surgeons may use a thread lifting technique with poly-L-Lactic acid (PLLA) sutures. These are more expensive, but they are also expected to last longer than absorbable PDO sutures.

The Number of Threads Placed

The number of threads placed during a thread lift will depend on the extent of the area being treated and the desired results. Generally speaking, a larger area will require more threads to achieve an optimal outcome. For example, a neck lift might require 8–15 threads, while a brow lift might require up to 10 threads.


The location of the servicing clinic will also have an impact on the cost. Prices for procedures tend to be higher in bigger cities due to higher operating costs.

How Long Is The Recovery For A Facelift Thread Treatment?

When it comes to recovery time for a facelift thread treatment, the good news is that it's relatively quick and easy compared to a surgical facelift. You can return to your daily routine right away with minimal downtime and expect the healing process to take up to three weeks. The procedure's results are immediate and improve over time as the swelling, redness, and bruising go down.

It is important to follow your doctor's instructions carefully during recovery to ensure the best possible results. This includes:

Keeping the area Clean and Dry

Infection can be avoided by keeping the area clean and dry. Wash with gentle soap and avoid harsh products like exfoliating scrubs or astringents. After cleansing, apply a gentle moisturizer as directed by your doctor.

Avoid Strenuous Activities

Exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided immediately after your facelift thread treatment. Avoid strenuous workouts that will put too much pressure on your face which will put tension on the threads for about 2-3 weeks.

Regular Follow-Up Appointments

Attend your post-procedure follow-up appointments with your doctor to ensure that everything heals properly.

What Is the Downside of a Thread Lift?

Thread lift procedures, like any other medical procedure, have risks and side effects. The following are the most common side effects:






These side effects are typically transient. Another potential risk is an infection. On rare occasions, injection-related reactions such as itching, discoloration, or tenderness may occur at the injection site, and, if not treated properly, can lead to long-term complications.

Before undergoing facelift thread treatment, it is critical to discuss any potential risks or side effects with your doctor. Your doctor can tell you more about the specific risks associated with the type of thread you're considering for the treatment.

Is a Thread Lift Better Than a Facelift?

When deciding whether a thread lift or a traditional facelift is right for you, it's important to consider your goals. A thread lift may be a great option for those looking for a subtle result without the downtime associated with a traditional facelift. However, it may not be suitable for those seeking more dramatic results and long-term results. A consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon is the best way to determine which treatment will provide the outcome you desire.

How Long Do PDO Thread Lift Results Last?

Results from a thread lift generally last anywhere from 8 to 12 months, depending on the area being treated and the patient's skin type. Touch-up treatments may also be needed periodically to maintain the desired effect.

Contact MINT™ PDO for the Finest Quality Threads

Are you considering a non-invasive facelift? You may wonder if a thread lift is worth the time and money. Facelift threads can provide subtle lifting and tightening of facial skin, particularly in the jowls and cheeks. A thread lift can help reduce wrinkles, create a more youthful appearance, and restore facial contours without surgery.

MINT™ PDO threads are a safe and effective way to enhance facial features. They can be used to reposition the soft tissue in areas such as the forehead, cheeks, and jawline.

With minimal downtime and trauma, MINT™ PDO threads are a great solution for those looking to reduce the signs of aging without going through costly and invasive surgery.

To learn more about MINT™ PDO threads, contact us directly by sending us an email at or calling us at (201) 224-2333 or (562) 777-7043.

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