Can PDO threads be used for the lips?

Aug 12, 2023

Non-surgical PDO Threads for Lips

Smooth PDO threads for a lip procedure

Many are trying to find the best alternative to lip fillers, chasing a more natural and bright look. PDO (Polydioxanone) threads are a great option for them and can be used for lip enhancement. These threads have gained popularity in the field of aesthetic medicine for their ability to stimulate collagen production, lift sagging skin, and improve overall skin texture. These threads can provide subtle volume, definition, and rejuvenation to the lips without the need for surgical procedures or traditional lip fillers. Let’s explore if a lip thread procedure is right for you.

How Do PDO Threads Help With Lip Enhancement?

PDO lip threads involve the insertion of fine threads into the lips, strategically placed to achieve the desired aesthetic goals. They help create a natural-looking enhancement by providing structural support and stimulating collagen production 

Here's how threads help with lip enhancement:

Structural Support:

The threads are inserted into the lips in a way that strategically supports and shapes the lip area. The threads act as a framework that helps lift and contour the lips, enhancing their natural shape and definition.

Collagen Stimulation:

Once the threads are inserted, they trigger a natural healing response in the body. This response includes an increase in collagen production around the threads. Collagen is a protein that gives skin its strength and elasticity. As new collagen forms, it improves the overall texture and appearance of the lips, making them look fuller, smoother, and more youthful.

Subtle Volume Enhancement:

Threads can provide a subtle increase in lip volume by gently lifting the tissues and adding support to the lips. This volume enhancement is achieved not only through the immediate physical placement of the threads but also through the gradual improvement in collagen levels over time.

Long-Lasting Results:

The effects of this procedure can last several months, typically between 6 to 12 months. This longevity is due to the ongoing collagen production that continues to support the enhanced appearance of the lips even after the threads have dissolved.

Minimally Invasive Procedure:

A lip enhancement is a minimally invasive procedure that requires only local anesthesia. Patients can usually resume their normal activities shortly after the procedure, making it a convenient option for those with busy lifestyles.

Natural-Looking Results:

One of the key advantages of this procedure is the natural-looking results it offers. The gradual improvement in collagen and the careful placement of the threads ensure that the lips appear enhanced yet still in harmony with the rest of the face.

PDO Threads for Smoker Lines and Marionette Line

Showing the PDO thread, getting ready for a lip procedure

Smoker's lines, also known as vertical lip lines, are fine lines that tend to develop above the upper lip due to repetitive lip movements, sun exposure, and the natural aging process. These lines can contribute to an aged appearance and impact one's confidence. Threads offer a non-surgical solution for treating smoker's lines by providing structural support and stimulating collagen production.

On the other hand, marionette lines are the lines that extend from the corners of the mouth down towards the chin, resembling the appearance of a puppet's mouth. These lines can become more prominent with age, contributing to a tired or sad expression. PDO lip threads offer an effective solution for addressing marionette lines by providing both lifting support and collagen stimulation.

Both smoker's lines and marionette lines can be addressed with threads. PDO lip threads play a pivotal role in achieving long-lasting and natural-looking results. As the body continues to produce collagen in response to the threads, patients will gradually notice improvements in skin texture, elasticity, and overall facial harmony. It's important to approach PDO lip thread treatments for smoker's lines and marionette lines with careful consideration. 

Smooth Threads for Lips

Smooth PDO threads are ultra-fine threads made from biodegradable Polydioxanone material. These threads are specifically designed to stimulate collagen production and provide a natural volumizing effect. These threads offer a subtle and gradual approach to achieving plumper and more youthful lips.

Smooth PDO threads offer a minimally invasive and natural approach to achieving plump, youthful lips. By utilizing the collagen-stimulating properties of these threads, practitioners can provide patients with subtle yet significant improvements that enhance their overall facial harmony. Seeking the expertise of a trained professional is crucial to ensure safe and satisfying outcomes. With smooth PDO threads, patients can confidently pursue their desired goals while enjoying the benefits of a convenient and effective treatment.

PDO Thread Techniques for Lip Contouring and Symmetry

Doctor preparing for a PDO thread lip enhancement by numbing the patient

Thread techniques allow practitioners to customize lip enhancements according to each patient's unique facial anatomy and desired outcomes. Threads can be positioned to enhance the lip borders, cupid's bow, and marionette lines, refining the lip shape and creating definition. PDO lip threads enable practitioners to correct asymmetry, ensuring that both the upper and lower lips are proportionate and harmonious. Threads stimulate collagen production, leading to gradual improvements in lip volume and texture over time.

PDO Techniques for Lip Contouring and Symmetry include:

Border Enhancement: Smooth PDO threads can be subtly inserted along the lip borders to enhance definition and prevent lipstick from bleeding. This technique can also provide a more defined lip border.

Cupid's Bow Sculpting: By placing threads in a crisscross pattern at the Cupid's bow, practitioners can emphasize this iconic feature and create a more prominent and youthful arch.

Marionette lines: The threads can also be applied to the marionette lines, which extend from the corners of the mouth. By positioning threads in this area, practitioners can help soften the appearance of these lines and contribute to a more youthful overall look.

Volume Augmentation: For those seeking increased lip volume, threads can be used to strategically add support and create a plumper appearance.

Overall, smooth threads for lip work by providing structural support, stimulating collagen production, and creating subtle volume in the lips. This non-surgical approach can lead to long-lasting, natural-looking results, making it an attractive option for individuals looking to enhance their lip aesthetics. As with any cosmetic procedure, consultation with a skilled and experienced medical professional is essential to determine the best approach for you. 

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