Can PDO Threads Be Used to Treat Acne Scars?

Aug 15, 2023

PDO threads are often used to address concerns such as sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines. The traditional nonsurgical lift procedure involves inserting dissolvable threads into the subcutaneous fat layer to help improve the appearance of the skin. The threads create a lifting effect by physically repositioning sagging tissue and supporting it in a higher placement.

So what benefits do these threads have for acne scars? As they dissolve, the threads stimulate the production of collagen to improve skin quality and texture issues like acne scarring. Over time, they can also contribute to improved skin tightness and volume. Let’s dive in and see how effective this treatment can be.

Using PDO threads to help icepick acne scars

How Can PDO Threads Help Reduce Acne Scarring?

Scarring is the lasting imprint that various skin injuries, such as wounds, burns, surgical incisions, and acne breakouts, leave behind. While scars signify the body's remarkable ability to mend itself, they can also serve as a visible reminder of the past traumas your skin has undergone.

There are many viable options to treat scars, such as fillers, lasers, microneedling, and biostimulators. One of the new ways that can help address the prominence of scars and restore skin's smoothness and uniformity is smooth PDO threads.

Here’s how it works:

Collagen Stimulation:
Acne scars often result from the skin's inability to heal properly after acne breakouts. Collagen is the protein responsible for maintaining skin elasticity, firmness, and its ability to heal. PDO threads boost the body’s ability to produce new collagen fibers, adding volume to minimize the appearance of these scars. 

Lifting and Tightening:
The insertion of threads beneath the skin creates a subtle yet effective lifting effect. This lifting action can improve the depth and visibility of certain types of scars, leaving your skin looking tighter and smoother.

During the procedure, ultra-thin needles are used to insert threads beneath the skin. The subcision technique helps release and break up the scar tissue, which can help smooth out skin texture. As the threads are placed, they start stimulating collagen production. The gradual increase in collagen adds volume to the depressed areas to minimize the depth and visibility of scars, leading to improved skin texture.

How Long Does It Take To See Results?

It's essential to have realistic expectations when considering this treatment. Unlike some quick-fix solutions, this procedure delivers results over time as the threads take approximately 6 to 8 months to dissolve. You'll notice gradual improvements in the texture and overall appearance of your skin as collagen production increases.

Types of Threads Used for Acne Scar Treatments

using smooth PDO threads to improve acne scars

When it comes to rejuvenating skin damaged by scarring, threads made of polydioxanone or PDO are a potential option in the journey to smoother skin.

The first thing that usually comes to mind with PDO threads are thread lifts. The threads used in this treatment have barbs that latch onto the soft tissue of the skin and are then pulled to lift them into the higher position. Barbed threads can be a great nonsurgical alternative for those who are in need of a lift. For those who want to take advantage of the collagen stimulating benefits of PDO, smooth threads can be a more favorable option.

Smooth PDO threads are a go-to choice for those seeking to address scarring through collagen synthesis. These threads have no barbs on them, hence the name “smooth threads” texture and are strategically placed under the skin's surface. The threads trigger the body's healing response which promotes the production of collagen. Over time, it helps fill in the sharp indentations which will lead to gradual improvements in texture and appearance.

How to Use Smooth Threads for Scar Treatment

Smooth PDO threads come in various thicknesses and lengths for different areas of the face. Selecting the optimal placement of smooth threads for improving scars requires a thorough assessment by a skilled medical professional. 

Threads can be placed parallel to each other to encourage collagen stimulation and tightening in the opposite direction. For example, if multiple smooth threads are placed horizontally, they will tighten vertically and the opposite applies when they are placed vertically. When threads are placed in a circular pattern, it can help build volume in the center, which can be highly beneficial for minimizing the appearance of scars. Cross hatching or mesh patterns can help improve and tighten the overall area if the patient has superficial scarring on their skin.

Can PDO Threads Address Ice Pick Scars?

Ice pick scars are deep and narrow scars left behind by severe acne that resemble marks inflicted by an ice pick. These scars occur when the skin's collagen and elastin fibers are unable to properly support the healing process after severe acne breakouts. As a result, sharp indentations form on the skin's surface which creates the appearance of icepick scars. They can leave your skin with a pitted and uneven texture and can be particularly challenging to address.

Mild to moderate scarring may respond well to the treatment, while very deep and extensive scars may not see significant improvement with just threads alone.

Are PDO Threads for Acne Scars Worth It?

Factors such as the type of scars, degree of scarring, and skin thickness play a huge role in determining if smooth threads will be an effective option for treating acne scars. Consulting a knowledgeable practitioner ensures that the technique is tailored to your specific needs, leading to effective and satisfying results. 

Assessing your skin's overall condition is essential. If you have active acne breakouts, inflammation, or other skin conditions, it's important to address these concerns before considering this procedure. Treating your skin's underlying issues can optimize the results of the procedure.

The degree of scarring will influence the potential effectiveness of the threads. It can be effective for certain types of scars, particularly those that are shallow, superficial scars. Smooth threads alone might not completely eliminate deep or extensive scarring, so it is important to speak with a medical professional who can assess the condition and needs of your skin.

If you’re stressing out from scars that are keeping you from smooth and healthy skin, PDO threads could be the right treatment for you. By stimulating collagen production, providing a lifting effect, and gradually improving the appearance of scars, PDO threads can help you on your journey to smoother skin.

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